The Plan a Better Year 2022 Workshop

w/ Mariah and Shay

Reframe Goals. Find Your Focus. Manifest Your Desires.

January 26th, 2022 ~ 7pm-9pm EST ~ On Zoom


Still feeling unclear about the path ahead in 2022?

Don’t worry, we were too.

After endless resolutions, post-it note strategy sessions, and “smart” goals we found ourselves feeling lost and pretty “blah” about the year ahead.

We explored the manifestation side of things too. Did the vision boards, daily journaling, and affirmations. But our plans still didn’t feel tangible enough.

After trying BOTH sides of the coin (strategy and energetics), we still felt stuck.

So, being the curious humans we are, we asked ourselves “How could use strategy and energetics to plan for the year ahead in a way that feels more intuitive?”

This led us down a rabbit hole that started with a podcast episode and ended with the idea for a more effective and exciting method for planning, manifesting, and goal-setting in life & business…

Let’s plan & manifest for 2022 in a more sustainable way.

In this interactive (and fun AF) workshop, we’re gonna guide you through our unique process for creating real, long-lasting change in your life.

We’ll help you map out your vision for the future and create a support system that actually FEELS GOOD, to help keep you focused as you step into your next-level throughout the year.

What’s Included:

  • A live 2-hour fun & interactive virtual workshop hosted on Zoom.

  • Copy of recording so you can revisit everything you learn.

  • A seriously CUTE digital workbook that doubles as a guiding compass as you navigate the year.

  • Q &A with Mariah and Shay

How much are tickets?


(Presale available through Jan 23. Price goes up January 24th)

We wanted to keep this budget-friendly. The workshop is juicy & we want to make this an easy “YES” so you can start to reframe goals and find your focus while feeling GOOD about moving forward.

Want some extra love + support to help you move forward with accountability & ease?

We got you!


  • 4 weeks of live small-group coaching calls with Shay & Mariah for more in-depth support

  • Group Voxer Mini-Mind for support in between calls

  • We starts on Monday, Jan 31, 2022

  • Investment: $444 (select the add-on below)

  • Have Questions? Contact Us

~ Sign-Up for the Workshop ~